Within Reach by Artist Darcy Lee Saxton

Guiding You On the Path of Self-Healing

Within Reach by Artist Darcy Lee Saxton

Many individuals hold the belief that therapy or counseling is necessary when something is wrong with them and that they require fixing. However, in my practice, I don't perceive my clients as broken, and I don't regard my role as fixing them or myself.

Therapy is a profound exploration of your unique mind, body, and spirit. My approach is to facilitate your understanding and union with your innermost authentic self, support you in managing complicated emotions, and discover insights from within. As your therapist, I will guide you through your therapeutic journey at a tempo that you are comfortable with, ensuring that you feel supported in the process, all while inspiring growth and progress.

I believe that every thought, emotion, and behavior plays a significant role in our well-being. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and other afflictions can act as messengers or signals, directing us toward what requires compassion and attention to heal. By delving deeper into these layers during therapy, individuals can gain a more profound self-awareness which can help them on their journey toward growth, empowerment, self-acceptance, and the development of inner wisdom.

For instance, individuals experiencing emotional distress may also manifest physical symptoms such as muscle tension, poor sleep quality, and pain, as well as loss of meaning in life. Therefore, addressing the spiritual, physical, and psychological dimensions of each person is essential in promoting a stronger sense of well-being and belonging. Through collaborative efforts, I provide a customized approach to therapy that empowers clients to meet their specific needs and personality preferences. The therapeutic options available range from short-term to long-term, depending on the client's desires.

Here to guide you towards

rekindling your inner flame.

First Session

During our first session, we collaborate to determine therapeutic goals and needs that will best meet your needs. I foster a safe, relaxed, compassionate, warm, and curious environment while also being direct and practical. When appropriate, I gently challenge my clients to inspire further growth. Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be intimidating. Still, I believe that with dedication to your process, it is possible to advance your degree of awareness beyond a preconceived notion towards a broader and more expansive one.

My therapeutic approach is more holistic and integrative and focuses on addressing foundational causes that are more complicated and connected to multiple aspects of interconnected life challenges. I bring together Relational Therapy, mindful body awareness, parts work (Internal Family Systems) therapy, somatic and depth (psychodynamic) psychology, and may draw from my extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I also make space for dream analysis, which involves utilizing dreams and imagery to explore the unconscious, facilitating a deeper connection with your inner self, and enabling you to identify and fulfill your innermost needs and aspirations, empowering you to make desired changes.

What can I help with?

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Assertiveness Training

  • Boundary Setting

  • Coping with Chronic Illness

  • Dream Analysis

  • Early childhood trauma and its manifestations in adulthood

  • Finding One's Sense of Self

  • Identifying the role of shame and guilt in the depletion of self-worth.

  • Major Life Transitions

  • People Pleasing/Perfectionism

  • Recognizing the importance of self-care and learning to cultivate self-care through all aspects of health: mental, physical, and emotional.

  • Re-discovering your own identity and exploring your narrative.

  • Relationship Wounds

  • Spirituality

  • Women’s Mental Health

In-person Sessions

I welcome and respect all types of clients while supporting the values behind diversity, inclusion and cultural awareness. I strive to foster cultural awareness through ongoing training and professional development.

Online Sessions

Online therapy will be conducted over a HIPAA-compliant video platform. You can access the platform easily via computer, laptop, or smartphone.

Conditions and restrictions are constantly changing, and I am doing my best to serve my clients while also keeping us all safe.